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Thanks Mohit for your help.
Thanks to André Arnaud de Calavon
Thank for sharing it, The issue is that you are calling SalesOrderHeaders (SalesOrderHeaderEntity) but have made changes in SalesOrderHeadersV2 (SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity) data entity. Please call the correct entity and let me know the results.
Hi Mohit,
Sales order response
Can you share Odata response for just one sales order.
Hi Mohit,
Now CreatedDateTime1 field showing in SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity in data management (see below screenshot)& also generated mapping from Modify Target mapping for this data entity.
But still not showing in OData response.
Hi Suvarna, You can use 'TransDateTime' EDT by drag drop or copy paste this EDT into the stating table and renaming the field.
Hi Mohit,
Yes, I have added CreatedDateTime in SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity.
Now i have started again from scratch but still same issue.
In above blog mentioned that "Add the field into Staging table fields.
You can add it by opening PurchTable extension and drag and drop the field to your staging table"
But I don't see CreatedDateTime field in PurchTable. here is the screenshot
Please let know how I can drag CreatedDateTime field in PurchPurchaseOrderHeaderV2Staging.
I'm not able to replicate your issue. As mentioned, we have added CreatedDateTime in SalesOrderHeaderV2Entity and I can see this field via OData.
The issue is that you are not using correct field. Instead of OrderCreatedDateTime, please use createdDateTime field from SalesTable and generate mapping in data entity to add the new field.
The field you are referring to in the Sales order form is 'CreatedDateTime' in SalesTable. Please make the changes and it should work.
Hi Andre,
Yes, I synchronize the database but still ORDERCREATIONDATETIME field not coming in API response.
André Arnaud de Cal...
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