I need to apologize for what is maybe a basic question as I am completely new to MS Dynamics AX 2009.
We have goods on stock at average CoS. Our Product Management agrees that we will receive rebates on products when we sell those. Rebates may be conditional and/or limited.
As an example, the vendor/supplier will agree to grant us extra 20.- rebate per unit for a certain period (say from May 1st to May 30th) for max 1 000 units of SKU 123
In the standard process when we sell SKU 123 the system will book average CoS.
This triggers all kind of issues: a) the system margin is incorrect b) admin will have to manually record sales with such rebates and then charge those to the vendor/supplier.
Is there any process / flags that can be used / set to automatically trigger the CoS override at order level?