Does anyone know if alert rules are possible for Sales?
I'm looking for an alternative to using power automate for notifications. https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/now-available-model-driven-app-push-notifications/. This is a great option, I'm just looking for another. I found references in other forum posts to functions and web resources. I'm really hoping for something more end user friendly, not as technical to setup.
I found this in my search results. Alerts overview - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs
Unfortunately, it is specific to Commerce.
My search of Sales documentation doesn't surface anything like that.
The outcome I want is to display notifications within the CRM to users.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
Thank you for your query.
If you need to add notifications on the application level, there is no out-of-the-box feature available (as far as I know).
As an alternative, you can create processes to send email notifications or create tasks for users.
There are 3rd-party solutions available though:
Alerts-Notifications Dynamics 365-Alerts4Dynamics (microsoft.com)
If you need to show notifications on forms, you can use client JS library to add notifications on forms and fields:
setFormNotification (Client API reference) in model-driven apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
addNotification (Client API reference) in model-driven apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
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