RE: Hide custom field on Cases form but display same field on edit form advanced find
Hi Anja,
The field visibility on the advanced find form is based on the Case form, so the hidden fields of the Case form will also be hidden on the advanced find form.
You use the Case form instead of the Case for Interactive experience form, right?
If so, you could new a main form, then disable security roles for Case form.
Step 1. Set the custom filed visible in the Case form.
Step 2. New a main form, it will cpoy the Case form.
Hide the custom field. Save and publish.
Step 3. Select Case form and click Enable Security Roles.
Select Display only to these selected security roles and unselect all security roles.
Step 4. Select New form and click Enable Security Roles.
Select Display to everyone.
Step 5. Click Form Order > Main Form Set, move New Form to top.
Publish all customizations.
In this way, the new Case form seen by users will hide custom field, and advanced find form will show the custom field.