Hello to everyone
I am woking on a MorphX report in AX2009 (NOT SSRS)
I have the issue below:
I have one report that printed barcodes. Until now it worked as I will describe:
The report printed after a dialog appeared. In this dialog you entered an ItemId, an InventLocationId and PrintNum which is how many times you wanted to print in this report the barcode. As you understand it is just an integer.
Now I want to print this report with no dialog. I want to take the journalId from the form, with this journalId to take also the items that belong to this journal and make the exactly same function but in just one report.
For example, if I have a journal with 5 items inside and every item have PrintNum.value = 2.
Then I want to see 10 barcodes in my report (5 * 2)
It is possible to do it in one report, or I have to create somehow a loop that runs 5 times?