I am trying to convert a report to base64 code so that I can send it to a different application via API calls.
To test, I used an online pdf to base64 converter, I copied the generated code and the application successfully received the document that I sent. Now, instead of hardcoding the base64 code, I want to be able to convert a report in Business Central to base64 and send it. However, my API call failed with an error message "PDF Validation failed". When I compare the outputs from the online converter and the AL procedure, I see that they are different. Below is the code that I used to convert the report to base 64.
local procedure BssiReport() var ReportOutstream: OutStream; ReportInstream: InStream; TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; res: Text; Txt: Text; Base64Convert: Codeunit "Base64 Convert"; begin TempBlob.CreateOutStream(ReportOutstream); Report.SaveAs(Report::BssiPLMLeaseSummary, '2022-07-20VERSION(1) SORTING(Field1) WHERE(Field1=1(A100))VERSION(1) SORTING(Field1,Field2)VERSION(1) SORTING(Field1,Field5,Field2)VERSION(1) SORTING(Field1,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6)VERSION(1) SORTING(Field2,Field48,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field1)VERSION(1) SORTING(Field2,Field48,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field1)VERSION(1) SORTING(Field2)', ReportFormat::Pdf, ReportOutstream); TempBlob.CreateInStream(ReportInstream); WHILE NOT (ReportInstream.EOS) DO BEGIN ReportInstream.READTEXT(Txt); res = Txt; END; jsonObj.Add('documentBase64', Base64Convert.ToBase64(res)); //... end;
I won't copy the entire code here but this is the first portion of the output that I got from using the online converter:
"JVBERi0xLjcNCiWhs8XXDQoxIDAgb2JqDQo8PC9QYWdlcyAyIDAgUiAvVHlwZS9DYXRhbG9nPj4NCmVuZG9iag0KMiAwIG9iag0KPDwvQ291bnQgMS9LaWRzWyA0IDAgUiBdL1R5cGUvUGFnZXM Pg0KZW5kb2JqDQozIDAgb2JqDQo8PC9DcmVhdGlvbkRhdGUoRDoyMDIyMDcwNDExMTYxOCkvQ3JlYXRvcihQREZpdW0pL1Byb2R1Y2VyKFBERml1bSk Pg0KZW5kb2JqDQo0IDAgb2JqDQo8PC9Db250ZW50cyA1IDAgUiAvTWVkaWFCb3..."
This is what I got from Business Central using CodeUnit "Base64 Convert":
"JVBERi0xLjcl77 977 977 977 977 977 977 9MSAwIG9ialsvUERGL1RleHQvSW1hZ2VCL0ltYWdlQy9JbWFnZUldZW5kb2JqMiAwIG9iajw8L1R5cGUvUGFnZS9QYXJlbnQgNiAwIFIvTWVkaWFCb3hbMCAwIDc5MiA2MTJdL0NvbnRlbnRzIDUgMCBSL1Jlc291cmNlczw8L1Byb2NTZXQgMSAwIFIvWE9iamVjdDw8Pj4vRm9udDw8L0YzIDMgMCBSL0Y0IDQgMCBSPj4 Pj4 ZW5kb2JqMyAwIG9iajw8L1R5cGUvRm9udC9TdWJ0eXBlL1R..."
Does anybody have any idea on why Business Central is not generating the same output?