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Sales Transactions falling out of Batches

Posted on by 22,647

These are my case notes on a situation where the user enters a number of transactions into a batch - created today - and then goes and does other work - once the batches have been confirmed - user goes to post - and the batches are empty.  

If the user opens Sales batch - well the notes spell it out, step by step. . . . 

Open Sales Batches



Batch created today - shows 1 transaction

Click on Transaction button

Shows 4 transactions associated with the batch



When I look at the content of the <COMP>..SY00500 table the following




NOTE The same problem is happening with the 03/11/22-CAD batch


Looking at the SOP10100 for batch name like '03/11%'



 Situation is that the data is in the SOP tables, it is in the SY00500 table.  When I run Reconcile on Sales Batches - nothing happens and no errors are generated.

This is not the first time this has happened.  This happened one other time in the middle of last month - we resolved by manually creating a new batch and saving the transactions into the new batch.  Once that was done the posting of the transactions was performed and no errors were encountered.

We thought it was a one time thing, then this morning, same thing happens.

We can fix this by moving them to a new batch, and then deleting from the SY00500 the bad batch.  We need to know how to fix it so it stops happening.

There have been no changes and there have been hundreds of transactions entered and posted since middle of last month.  This is not a new user and there have been no changes to workstation or server.  Last update was Payroll Year end 2021 back at the end of December 2021.  


  • Suggested answer
    Craig Fuller Profile Picture
    Craig Fuller 409 on at
    RE: Sales Transactions falling out of Batches

    I would vet your processes of all the ways you create batches and all the ways documents get assigned to a batch. In our environment if we do any of those steps directly in SQL (for example) then they won't match up with each other. Your example is a perfect illustration of what we see here when a document's batch is manipulated behind the scenes or with a customization that does it. Your batch window and sy00500 entry are in sync...just not reflecting all the documents in SOP10100.

    You may have this query already but here is one we use when we run across this issue to true up the SY00500 to the open docs. Just change the batch number you are wanting to correct and run it.

    DECLARE @bachnumb char(25) = '03/11/22-CAD'

    DECLARE @numtrx int

    DECLARE @batchamount numeric(19,5)

    SELECT @numtrx = ISNULL(COUNT(sopnumbe), 0),

          @batchamount = ISNULL(SUM(docamnt), 0)

    FROM SOP10100 WHERE BACHNUMB = @bachnumb

    SELECT @bachnumb AS BACHNUMB,@numtrx AS NUMOFTRX,@batchamount AS BCHTOTAL


    UPDATE SY00500

    SET NUMOFTRX = @numtrx, BCHTOTAL = @batchamount

    WHERE BACHNUMB = @bachnumb

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