I`m just looking over the new Revenue Recognition functionality and notice it utilities a sales order led approach. We do not currently use this and I am considering whether this is a direction we wish to head in. We do not currently have products/services set up at all in the system. Instead we utilise projects - an approach which appears to be more complicated than it needs to be.
A question. It looks like Sales orders are created by adding Product/Services at line level. Looking over the setup, I can see products/services can be associated with a particular GL account...….. however, I can`t see how you would attach them to Financial Dimensions?
We use the following Financial Dimensions: Region, Country, Line of Business, Product, Cost Centre. Product is a very high level grouping of products rather than a detailed line level listing.
A sales order may be made up of implementation, license and support lines. Each with its own different cost centre)
It looks like financial dimensions can be derived from the Customer record...……. however, this isn`t useful to us as while Region, Country, LOB would be the same for all sales order lines, Product and Cost Centre would change depending on which product/service component was being added.
How do I therefore get Financial Dimensions at sales order product/service item line level?
Many thanks!