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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...
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How to disable periodic discounts for AR customers on POS

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Posted on by 135

Is there a way to block active periodic discounts for certain AR customers, when the customer is attached to a POS transaction?

We tried attaching the customer to an affiliation and then an affiliation price group. We excluded this price group from the periodic discount setup, but the discount was still fired in our pricing simulator after attaching the AR customer.

  • Vysakh Profile Picture
    Vysakh 135 on at
    RE: How to disable periodic discounts for AR customers on POS

    Hi Ramune,

    We cannot remove price group for the stores since the prices are based on trade agreements. Also the discount is a running promotion for all walk-in customers, not linked to an affiliation.

    I believe only the less clean option of applying 0.1% discount would work in this scenario. Thanks a lot for your suggestions!

  • Suggested answer
    Ramune Profile Picture
    Ramune on at
    RE: How to disable periodic discounts for AR customers on POS

    Hi Vysakh,

    Please make sure to remove all the price groups associated to the store so that the discounts are only trigged based on affiliations. So if for an affiliation there is no discount, then no discount should apply. Another less clean option could be to create an Exclusive, highest priority, simple discount with .1% for all the items and assign a price group to this discount. Now if this price group is assigned to the customer via an affiliation, then only this discount will qualify but given that discount amount will be minimal then in most cases the net amount remains the same. But there would be a discount line shown on the transaction.


    There is a limitation in the system where if an affiliation based discount is created, then this discount will be applied to all the stores i.e. there is no way to restrict an affiliation based discount to a few stores. But we have this item on our backlog.

  • Vysakh Profile Picture
    Vysakh 135 on at
    RE: How to disable periodic discounts for AR customers on POS

    Hi Junaid and Ramune,

    Thanks for your replies.

    To clarify, I need the discount to NOT fire when I select the AR customer on the POS.

    Currently, I have affiliation price group "AR" attached to customer.

    I have price group "Retail" attached to the store.

    Since I need the discount to run for normal customers, I have the same price group "Retail" attached to the discount.

    In this scenario when I select the customer, the discount is being applied. What configuration changes can I do to prevent it from being applied?

    Please keep in mind, "Retail" is a retail price group. "AR" is not a retail price group.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: How to disable periodic discounts for AR customers on POS

    Hi Vysakh,

    Just create the relevant price group and link with discount code. The next step is to create affiliation and associate with price group. And finally associate that affiliation record on customer card and as Ramune mentioned you have to just disable all other price group from your store.

  • Suggested answer
    Ramune Profile Picture
    Ramune on at
    RE: How to disable periodic discounts for AR customers on POS

    Hi Vysakh,

    If there is a price group attached to the Store and another price group for the affiliation (which is assigned to the customer account) - the discount will be added to the sales order from all the places - store and customer account.

    If you need the discount coming only from the affiliation assigned on the customer account, all other price groups you have to remove from the store. 

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