Hi All,
I was going through the link Include entity metadata in solutions to avoid entity audit being disabled and learned that it will cause issues when we do not include entity metadata in a managed soluiton. Is it the same case with unmanged solutions ?
I was developng a tool to add the entities to an unmanged solution using the following code where I also didn't include the metadata. This is because when I validate the exported solution's customizations.xml using XSD it was giving errors for tags.
AddSolutionComponentRequest req = new AddSolutionComponentRequest { ComponentType = 1, ComponentId = (Guid)selectedEntity.MetadataId, SolutionUniqueName = _solutionUniquename, DoNotIncludeSubcomponents = true, IncludedComponentSettingsValues = new string[0] //Do not include entity metadata };
I use this tool to modify the customizations.xml ,pack and reimport to the organization. I am using the online version
Please provide your thoughts on this.