Hi, users receiving this error when clicking 'Send' on a Portal Comment. I believe this is because the Prod portal is out of date, but how can I fix this error in the short-term?
Error: Invalid JavaScript Action Library: /_static/_common/scripts/CommandBarActions.js is not a web resource and is not supported.
at soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at Array.map (<anonymous>)
at Object.execute (soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at O._executeAsyncAction (soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at O._executeAsync (soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at O.executeAction (soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at t.dispatch (soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/.../app.js
at https://soprissystems.crm.dynamics.com/uclient/scripts/app.js?v=1.4.476-2003.4:1748:1410
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!