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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

shared items between different entity in ax

Posted on by 4

Hi ,

We want to buy some raw materials from another entity in AX. My question is
"Do we create new item card or Do we use shared items from the entity that we buy? "

Which one is better? more reasonable ? or can use either way?

Much appreciated if someone help me to answer my questions.


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  • MATTGUO Profile Picture
    MATTGUO 22,306 on at
    RE: shared items between different entity in ax

    Hi Yin,

    First way is correct. Release the item into two entities.

    You can refer to my and Ludwig's links, there are specific configurations and explanations.

  • Yin Mon Pyone Profile Picture
    Yin Mon Pyone 4 on at
    RE: shared items between different entity in ax


    Let say we are entity B, We want to buy raw material (A0001) from entity A. In that case, do we have to use shared item ? Entity A and Entity B will use same item A0001.


    We create new item for that raw material (B0001) in entity B. So, Same raw material but it is A0001 in entity A and B0001 in entity B.

    Which one is correct ?

    Hope you understand my question


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: shared items between different entity in ax

    Hello Yin,

    I would recommend that you have a look at the intercompany trade functionality in AX2012 especially the documentation on the MS docs site ( and training videos that you can find e.g. on the dynamics learning portal, you tube or other platforms.

    Best regards,


  • MATTGUO Profile Picture
    MATTGUO 22,306 on at
    RE: shared items between different entity in ax

    Hi Yin,

    Could you please explain how to realize the transfer of items between entity A and B with your two ways? How to share?

    I think you need to use intercompany trade to transfer items:

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