Hi, I have a list page form with a action pane and a button group. In the init of the form I dynamically add some buttons to he button group depending on the data that is present. All the buttons have the same technical name. So I can overload the clicked event in one method. But the labels of the buttons are all different according the user settings.
The problem I’m having is that the buttons keep showing the technical name. I have tried everything but I cant change the name of the buttons in the button group. The strange thing is if I check the names in the code thus via "button.labelText()" it returns the right name. Even if I hard code the text of a button via "button.text('test')" it doesn’t show in the list page. Even after a redraw or reload command. If I try the same thing but without the action pane it works fine. The buttons are added to button group in the form and all have the right functional names/labels. But I need to implement this in a list page so this isn’t a option. Does anyone have a tip or suggestion for me?
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