We're have issues w/ Cost Adjustments and while going through some Microsoft provided materials regarding cost adjustments, are prompted to make 2 changes.
Microsoft Suggestion to see more detail regarding cost adjustments: Add REVALJEINDETAIL = True to the Dex.ini file
Microsoft Suggestion to see more detail in out of the box reports (particularly the Purchase Receipts Update Detail (PRUD) report) - Add some special "PRUD Report package file" to GP.
Has anyone implemented either/both?
Ever run into any issues?
The articles being referenced are from the 9.0 / 10.0 days and we're on 2018 so I'm curious as to if anyone has made these changes recently... Maybe it's unwarranted but I become a little concerned when there are ~7 year old enhancements that aren't included in the core code of new releases.
Original MS KB here - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2448193/an-unexpected-gltrx-batch-appears-in-financial-batch-entry-in-microsof