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Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

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So in an accrual accounting GAAP business. Month End or Year End situation. 

You are enter invoices in the AP module. 

What do you do if Invoices are dated with invoice dates that are greater than, (past) the period you want them posted in (assuming previous period is still open to post in)

So say your previous month period has an end date of 10/02/20. 

You get invoices that are dated 10/07 or greater, for services that were received in the prior period (Sept). 

The AX ERP does not allow you to put in an invoice date that is larger than the posting date. 

Do you change the invoice date (to an earlier date) so that it can be given the posting date of the prior period. ??

Is that normal practice, to both back date your posting date, and your invoice dates, in such a sincero?

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Hello Lemon Ginger,

    I would recommend opening a support ticket with MS.

    They should be able to have a look at your machine and settings by means of screen-sharing.

    Might be something that is either modified or that we overlooked.

    Best regards,


  • LemonGinger  Profile Picture
    LemonGinger 10 on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Thank you Ludwig, for your continued assistance. 

    No , I have not yet gained an understanding of this yet. 

    I did go to the recommended website, it is more of an IT Dept documentation for the software etc. It does not read like a user manual. 

    I will attempt to try this is a "Test" training software version. And,  I also have another period month-end coming up very soon, another opportunity to "test" in live functions. 

    I believe any time there is a "warning" that needs to have a related action to change some data in appropriate field lines, the red x shows up, to show which voucher line the

    warning is for. 

    I believe I can not post, so long as there is a red x, if the batch can not be validated, then I can not post. It is not allowed, unless I can validate and get the message "Journal is OKAY"

    I do not believe I can "over-ride" the warning, by just posting anyway. 

    I think this warning, make sense, most of the month it has valid good logic reasoning (to post in the current month that you are entering invoices for, invoice dates would never be greater than today as a posting date, if the invoice doc date was greater, it would be a future dated invoice). However, at month end and accrual timing, it doesn't make much sense. 

    At month end, Accounts Payable Clerks will back date posting dates, so it is possible that invoice doc dates would be greater than the posting date, at month end. 

    The reason for the back dated posting date, is to get some of those invoices that come late by mail or what ever the reason is, into the correct accounting period, before closing up that period. 

    I think that this "warning" is somehow a default "Alert Rule" , I really don't know. 

    Lemon Ginger 

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Hello Lemon Ginger,

    Have you been able to get this issue resolved in the meantime?

    Best regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Good morning Lemon Ginger,

    About the manual:

    Have a look at this MS docs site:

    That's a very detailed documentation of the standard AX2012 functionalities.

    About the message:

    The infolog actually shows a yellow warning symbol that by itself should not stop you from posting.

    What is interesting in your screenshot above is the red X symbol in your line.

    Can this be related to something else (e.g. insufficient budget funds, etc.)?

    I am asking because I have not found something on LCS that seems to address your issue and I wonder what other things can be responsible for this?!

    Best regards,


  • LemonGinger  Profile Picture
    LemonGinger 10 on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End


    Operating in United States. 

    Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

    Do you need the "kernel version" # ? 6.3.5000.138

    Or "Application version" # ?

    I see many many different  numbers #'s …. "Quality Control Version" # 

    "Engineering Control Version" # 

    I think that we first got this ERP system only a few years ago (maybe two or three), and it is possible there have been updates and modifications to meet our business needs. 

    Various patches, and hot fixes. 

    I do not want to provide any information that I shouldn't, for security and privacy. 

    OS Name : Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

    Version : Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600

    Hope that helps. 

    Also, when working in the Invoice Journal Vouchers/batches, Line items > I see a "ledger accruals" in the menu under "Functions" . I have never used that. 

    Is it possible there is a way to post current dates, to previous periods using some other method, than just altering the document date ? 

    Is there like an AP module, user manual, or something? That would be helpful. 

    Lemon Ginger

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Hello LemonGinger,

    What is the country/region that you operate your system for?

    The error might be part of a localization functionality.

    As an example, on LCS there is something reported for Poland that seems related to your issue.

    Also, can you let us know your exact system build number?

    Many thanks,


  • LemonGinger  Profile Picture
    LemonGinger 10 on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End


    screen shot : 


    i dont' know if you can see my screen shot clearly. 

    However, in this I put a Document date of 10/19/20 , which is a later date, than what I put of the DATE (Posting date) of 10/12/20. 

    When I go to Validate, I get a warning message that says " Document date is greater than the posting date" . 

    What is the purpose of this warning, in Accrual GAAP accounting?

    I do not want to change invoice dates (doc date) because those dates are important for aging, and terms of payment due dates among other reasons. 

    Why do I get this warning?

    If a previous accounting period is open, to allow posts, this message still appears. 

    It will only allow entry of invoice that are dated the same date or before , from the posting date. 

    My company has many invoices that are for services that occurred a week or longer before the invoice date. Mostly transportation shipping, and lab testing work. 

    The invoices will indicate the service dates on it, and I want to book it to the correct accounting period, but I can't. 

    I would understand if the warning was "the period is closed", as I know there are cut off dates for posting to previous period.

    But no, the warning is saying that I can not post because of the document date being after the posting date. 

    This is in the Accounts Payable > Invoices > Invoice Journal

    VDI = Vendor Invoice Recording Journal > Journal Batch > Line Item recording. 

    I Can not validate, or post without changing the invoice Document Date. 

    i am not talking about supplies orders. Because that is basic, if something is shipped to us, that we record it on the point we receive it at our location. 

    Which is typically the invoice date or later. In that case, there is no problems with trying to post a document earlier than the invoice date. 

    The concern is with services that were to our benefit/ took place prior to the invoice date.

    Any guidance would be helpful.

    Dynamics AX 


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Hello LemonGinger,

    I don't get this error message in my demo machine and wonder where and how you enter your invoices?

    Do you use pending vendor invoices, invoice journals or any other form/journal to enter your vendor invoices?

    Would be great if you could share any screenprint / steps to replicate your issue.

    Also, do you know if some modifications have been made in your machine that might be responsible for what you see?

    Best regards,


  • LemonGinger  Profile Picture
    LemonGinger 10 on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Hi Dr. Ludwig,

    Yes it should work that way! You are correct.

    But I get an error message when the invoice date is a date that is after the posting date.

    The work around is to both back date the posting date, and the invoice date.

    It doesn't sound like good accounting to me to change the invoice date.

    Is this a problem that needs to be changed with the programming? Do I need to reach out to my IT Dept?

    When I go to Validate: I get a Warning message

    " Document Date is greater than the posting date "

    Posting is not possible until invoice date is changed to meet the criteria the system wants.

    AP only records invoice dates , and posting dates. But we need to review the invoices for service dates, so that we post the invoices into the correct period.

    Do I have a system problem? Some kind of basic default programing that needs to be updated?

    Or is it a common thing for AP to change invoice dates to match the period they want to post into. ? As a work around for this error message problem.

    I don't like the idea of changing invoice dates, because it seems like to would make duplicate invoice payments a concern, and auditing of statements , and communicating with vendors about invoices a concern if information recorded does not match the actual documents.

    I have only been working in AP for a short time, and would like some feed back from those who use the Microsoft Dynamic AX 2012 program, and are familiar with Accounts Payable invoice processing.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Accounts Payable Invoice Entry Month End or Year End

    Hi LemonGinger,

    If you receive an invoice for services that were executed in September with an invoice date in October then you can post the invoice in September.

    This can be achieved by entering a date in September in the date field e.g. in your invoice journal.

    The invoice date in October can be entered in the document date field.

    This ensures that the costs are recorded in the month where the service was executed and that you also record the date of the invoice.

    Best regards,


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