Hello,using the following code,i'm trying to add a document to a table; however i can not see anything added in document management.The code also doesn't give any errors, any ideas how to resolve it ?
DocuRef docuRef; DocuActionArchive archive; erm_OperationInstructions oprinst; Name _name = "C:\\test.txt"; select firstOnly * from oprinst where oprinst.OperationId == 'OP0001002'; try { ttsBegin; docuRef.clear(); docuRef.RefRecId = oprinst.RecId; docuRef.RefTableId = tableNum(erm_OperationInstructions); docuRef.RefCompanyId = curext(); docuRef.Name = "testfile"; docuRef.TypeId = 'FILE'; docuRef.insert(); archive = new DocuActionArchive(); archive.add(docuRef, _name); ttsCommit; } catch(Exception::Error) { info(strfmt("%1",Exception::Error)); }
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