How we can make the item Type to be defaulted as Item In the Sales Order Screen ?
I only have limited developer licence so i will not be able to write a code or trigger
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How we can make the item Type to be defaulted as Item In the Sales Order Screen ?
I only have limited developer licence so i will not be able to write a code or trigger
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One more thing.................. export a copy of the object BEFORE you make any changes.........
You should be able to this:
1) Go to the Development Client and pick page "Sales Order Order Subform (46)
2) On the Subform go to the "Type" field:
3) Click the red check (properties):
4) Under the "OptionCaptionML" change the order of the option display. Put Item first.
Good Luck!
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional