We are using Dynamics 365 Marketing for real-time marketing, we would like to identify the Contacts who are not part of any segment and journey. if there is way to identify such contacts in system ?
How to identify contacts which are not in any segment/journey in real-time marketing?
Hi, Based on the information you have provided, and after our testing, unfortunately there is no out-of-the-box functionality that meets your needs, here is a selection of alternatives available. You can try creating a custom segment that includes all your contacts and then exclude segments that are used in the journey. This will give you a list of contacts that do not belong to any segment or journey. Please note that this is a possible alternative and may not meet all your needs. In addition, if you think this feature is essential, you can propose your IDEA to Microsoft officials using the link below. https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/ I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, Rudy Zhang
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