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subscription center form on external page

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I’m new to this and hopefully someone can guide me on how I can fix this issue.

I have a prefilled form “subscription center form” that are embedded in my external webpage. The contact receives an email with url. When the user clicks on the link they get redirected to my embedded page with prefilled values. So far everything works fine.

Now for signed in users “Users are not stored in Azure AD”. I need to send them to the embedded form with prefilled values. How can I regenerate the link Marketing creates in the email and tell the form which user are rendering the form?


 The link generated looks like this https:...?msdynunsubscribeid=StringA&msdynttrid=StringB

I guess the msdynunsubscribeid is my subscriptionid but what does msdynttrid refer to?

  • Verified answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: subscription center form on external page

    Hi Diam,

    I've checked with our engineers and can confirm that for now, we do not have sign-in support or other way to provide with the contact id for prefill/subscription center.

    Subscription center id is generated during the e-mail personalization and is not available in other contexts.

    You may try running your own prefill for the form (by querying Dynamics), but that’s a considerable effort and could break on form change.



  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: subscription center form on external page

    Hi Diam,

    Please check whether HTTP trigger of Power Automate could meet your requirements.

  • Diam Profile Picture
    Diam 45 on at
    RE: subscription center form on external page

    Hi Elena,

    Thank you for your response. The link was very helpful.

    Yes. The user is sign-in to an external Portal "Not PowerApps Portals". I am aware about the limitations with external sign-in services and D365 for Marketing.

    However, I was hoping to be able to write some code and retrieve the url from the contact in D365 for CE. Or generate the url based on attributes saved on the contact. That would have saved me some time developing the necessary html and operations towards CDS.

  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: subscription center form on external page

    Hi Diam,

    you're right, only the link from email will work and will navigate a user to the prefilled form.

    As it is written here in the documentation:

    "To test your subscription center, you must send yourself a subscription-center link in a live email from a live customer journey. The subscription center won't work correctly if you open its URL directly, or select a link sent in a test message.

    Subscription centers only work when they "know" who they are talking to. This enables the subscription center to display existing contact information in editable fields (like name and email), and also to indicate which of the available subscription lists the viewer already belongs to. The only way most people will be able to open the subscription center is by selecting a link sent to them in a marketing email from a customer journey. Links such as these include an ID that lets the subscription center know which contact has requested the page. (In fact, all links in marketing emails include an ID that's linked to both the contact and the message, which enables the system to report which link each contact has selected in each message.)

    If you open a subscription center by opening its URL directly (or by using a link sent in a test message), an error message will display indicating that the system is not able to verify your contact information."

    When you write that "users are already signed-in", do you mean sign-in to this external portal? This info can't be taken into account when subscription center link is generated, and Marketing itself doesn't have OOB integration with external sign-in services.



  • Diam Profile Picture
    Diam 45 on at
    RE: subscription center form on external page

    The contacts are stored in Marketing. For me seems like the users are only recognized by the embedded form when they are redirected from the link in the email. What if the user is already signed in and I know which contact this represents in marketing. How can I make the embedded form to recognize the user.

    The embedded form contains a list of the user's subscription list. Therefore, the user should be able to see that in their profile in my website. By embedding the form based on the user’s signed in email address?

    My workaround is to go through the cds. Getting the contact data by the signed in email address. Then generating the html based on the subscription list.

  • Clofly Profile Picture
    Clofly 260 on at
    RE: subscription center form on external page

    Hi Diam,

    Do you mean that some of contacts are stored in external data source?

    If so, currently subscription center form only works for existing contact records of Dynamics.(Your "users" should be CDS data.) Parameters of the link are generated by system and not supported to be customized by us.

    Therefore, please make the copy of them in Dynamics 365 Marketing and send emails to these contacts to let them manage their subscription or personal information.



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