I am calling a Navision Odata WS adding "?$format=json" to recive the response like a JSON.
The response:
"odata.metadata": "http://***********:10048/******/OData/$metadata#Socios/@Element",
"N_x00BA_": "AD001",
"Situaci\u00f3n_como_Socio": "Baja",
"N_x00BA__de_matr\u00edcula": "146",
"Nombre": "JESUS",
"Apellido_1": "ACEBES",
"Apellido_2": "ENJUTO",
"Tel\u00e9fono_1": "",
"Tel\u00e9fono_2": "",
"e_mail_trabajo": "*****@*****.com",
"C\u00f3d_provincia": "28",
"e_mail_particular": "",
"ETag": "28;X8MAAAJ7/0EARAAwADAAMQAAAAAA9;7238058930;"
As you can see, special characters arent shown correctly.
"N_x00BA_" instead of "Nº"
"Tel\u00e9fono_1" instead of "Teléfono_1"
¿What config do i need in NAV to show special characters correctly?
¿Do i need NAV to add UTF-8 encoding header in the JSON? ¿How?
Thx you very much.
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