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Issue when trying to save configuration for a custom SMS channel

Posted on by 31
Hi everyone, 
I am trying to add a custom SMS channel to Customer Insights - Journeys. I am following MS documentation for implementation. 
I am using Polymorphic lookup tool in XRM Toolbox to create below relationship and also verified it is available in the solution. 
I've done other parts and working as expected but when I try to save the configuration of custom SMS channel it shows me below error. 

Can anyone provide some details to fix the issue? 
Please let me know if I need to share any kind of more details. 
Any kind of help is highly appreciated. 
  • Issue when trying to save configuration for a custom SMS channel
    Hi PerezAnguiar, Thanks to show your interest here, and thanks for your advise. 
    I am already using a custom solution for all of these changes. 
    I have created all components as told in MS Documentation
    Below fields are coming from my custom entity.  
    I used other ways(web API) to create a record for my SMS provider and successfully completed it. But Message Sender is must to be added for SMS channel and I am also not able to do it using API because create message is not implemented for the entity. This error is thrown when I try to do it using Web API and even CrmServiceClient.Create() method in C#. 
    I face below error when I try to do it using UI provided for this. The error looks to be returned by the server. 
    Now if I create a custom field in msdyn_channelinstace entity with my publisher, and even if I keep its name same, it's full name will be mm_extendedentityid_mm_messagemedia. After adding a custom entity, issue will be solved? I think no because the field that is missing right now will also be missing after adding custom field. 
    Please let me know if I understood it wrong, or anything else is there that I can try. 
  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Issue when trying to save configuration for a custom SMS channel
    hey Abdul.

    According to documentation, you should create a custom Entity to store configuration of the SMS provider.  By any chance, did you add a custom field and tagged it as Required, or made it a List (instead of open text)?
    If you plan to move this into another environment in the future, you should create a custom solution for this, and make these changes .You can use your own publisher, and also update the propery name.

  • Issue when trying to save configuration for a custom SMS channel
    Hi @Dengliang, Thank you to show you interest here. 
    I know that the issue is missing an attribute from entity. But the question is how to add that attribute in entity using publisher used by MS (msdyn). Are we allowed to do this??
    Where can I get more details about this like when it is added to the entity? 
    I think it is somehow done by MS when we create a record for a custom SMS channel or when we complete any other part.  
    Please let me know if I need to share any kind of more details.
  • Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Issue when trying to save configuration for a custom SMS channel
    The issue you encountered is mentioned in this official document. You can refer to it for the troubleshooting it gives.
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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