This is my very first computed View Method, and was wondering if someone would tell me if I am going in the correct direction.
The View name is ccv_HierarchyTreeTable (which uses the table - HierarchyTreeTable.). I am using the two fields [Path] and [Element Number]. I am using the computed field as a sort field, so I can get the data in the correct order for a grid view in a form.
It returns two different strings depending on if Path is blank or not (am I using the correct/best way of checking for a blank string?)
If I followed the example I took this from, I should have: public static server str cc_SortNode() -- why would it have server in that line?
Anyway - following is my code. Does it look correct? Anything else I need to know?
public static str cc_SortNode()
str sReturn,
DictView dictView2;
dictView2 = new DictView(tableNum(#ViewName));
sPath = dictView2.computedColumnString
sElementNumber = dictView2.computedColumnString
if (spath == "")
sReturn = sElementNumber + "!" + sElementNumber;
sReturn = sPath + sElementNumber;
return sReturn;
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