Re: Consolidated Financials
Hello Diane,
Thank you for posting on the Forum.
From a processing perspective, you would typically consolidate on a monthly (or period 4-4-5) basis where the date range would be each month (Period) within the Fiscal Year. Therefore, for a calendar year company using months, you would consolidate each Business Unit with a Starting Date of 01/01/2012 and Ending date of 01/31/2012, which is set on the Options Tab of the Import Database or Import File Routine.
When each subsidiary is finalized for the subsequent months throughout the year, the consolidation would be completed for each month by using the starting and ending date for each month for each Business Unit.
If you are seeing a zeroing-out of the initial period consolidation, it would indicate to me that you have, for example, kept the starting date of 01/01/2012 and set the ending Date to 02/29/2012, for example, so the system zeroes out the January consolidation and does a total for the first two months. To maintain monthly reporting in the consolidation company, you would want to consolidate monthly.
Also, when currency is involved, the monthly consolidation with the Closing Rate and Last Closing Rate are important. You will want to review Partner Source or Customer Source to see a discussion there.
My recommendation would be to go back and consolidate each month individually for the fiscal year making sure that the Starting Date and ending Date are correctly set for each period to maintain the separate monthly balances. To avoid a lot of excess data, I would recommend setting up a new Consolidation Company with the common chart of accounts and recomplete each monthly consolidation into the new company to avoid any confusion of the data. The data is stored in the subsidiary G/L Entries, so all of the information is there. As for why the consolidation doesn't tie out, it is much easier to analyze the dfifference when you are analyzing on a monthly basis. It would typically be caused by a fitlering issue, such as consolidating Feb 1 through Feb 28 instead of February 29, etc. and losing a day of data. Again, this will be much easier to analyze following the guidance provided.
I hope the guidance helps you resolve this going forward.
Best Regards