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Invoice Not in List to Void

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We had an invoice that was stuck with an available balance of $0.00 running check links moved it to history; however we want to void that invoice. When we look at voiding historical transactions and open transactions that document is not available. How do we get rid of that document?

  • DarlingRunner Profile Picture
    DarlingRunner 5 on at
    RE: Invoice Not in List to Void
    [quote user="Brandon Jarrett"]

    Hello Aliciaw,

    When an Invoice is in history, it cannot be voided. Debit Documents can only be voided if they are in open without any apply records.

    There are a few options to address this issue. I have listed them below.

    1. If their is a Credit Document applied to the Invoice you want void, void that Credit Document. 
      1. This will move the Invoice back to open and can then be voided using the Void Open Transaction window.
    2. If there are no apply records, you can use the Remove History Utility to remove the Invoice.
      1. Back out the Journal Entry in the GL.
    3. Last option is to create a support request and we can provide a script to move the Invoice back to open so it can be voided.
      1. This will only work if there are no documents applied to it as if there is, we would recommend voiding the document applied to move it back to open.

    I hope this helps!

    Microsoft Support Engineer | Brandon Jarrett


    Great article, but it would be nice if you added an example with navigation. My Pasco Connect

  • Suggested answer
    Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: Invoice Not in List to Void

    Hello Aliciaw,

    When an Invoice is in history, it cannot be voided. Debit Documents can only be voided if they are in open without any apply records.

    There are a few options to address this issue. I have listed them below.

    1. If their is a Credit Document applied to the Invoice you want void, void that Credit Document. 
      1. This will move the Invoice back to open and can then be voided using the Void Open Transaction window.
    2. If there are no apply records, you can use the Remove History Utility to remove the Invoice.
      1. Back out the Journal Entry in the GL.
    3. Last option is to create a support request and we can provide a script to move the Invoice back to open so it can be voided.
      1. This will only work if there are no documents applied to it as if there is, we would recommend voiding the document applied to move it back to open.

    I hope this helps!

    Microsoft Support Engineer | Brandon Jarrett

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