RE: PO for Drop Ship Sales Orders
With GP213 we do have some additional functionality that will help!
In conjunction with the ability to now print multiple ship to addresses on one Sales document, if you are drop shipping your items, you can also configure the system to consolidate purchase order information so that only 1 PO is created even though multiple customer sites are being shipped to.
On earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP, you would need to click the Organize button in the Purchase Orders Preview window and manually combine nodes to create a single PO.
Combine Different Ship-To Addresses into one PO option
This is a new option you can select in Sales Order Processing Setup Options to create one purchase order from one sales order with multiple lines that contains different ship-to addresses. This is useful when you have a sales order for one company and you are drop shipping to multiple locations. When used in conjunction with the Combine Similar Items into a Single PO Line option, orders with similar items and the same Ship-to address are combined into one line. If this option is not marked, individual purchase, orders are created for each item.
Combine Different Ship-To Addresses from Different Sales Orders into one PO option
This is a new option you can select in Sales Order Processing Setup Options, which will create one purchase order from multiple sales orders when drop shipping to multiple shipping addresses. This is useful when you have several sales orders and you are drop shipping the same item to multiple locations, and only one purchase order is necessary to purchase the correct quantity of the items. When used in conjunction with the Combine Similar Items into a Single PO Line option, the similar items with the same shipping address are summed onto one line on the PO.
Following are two charts highlighting the effect of these setup options when used together to create a drop-ship purchase order from one or more sales orders.
Scenario A: You have one Sales Order with the following four line items.
Item 1 - Warehouse
Item 1 - Warehouse
Item 2 - Warehouse
Item 2 - Primary
Combine Different Ship-To Addresses into one PO?
Combine Similar Items Into a Single PO Line?
Drop-ship purchase orders created and line item detail
What the PO(s) look like:
One sales order with the same item/ship-to combination on multiple lines.
Two POs are created. One for each Ship-to. Each line item is on their own line on the PO. Existing GP functionality.
PO 1
- Item 1 - warehouse
- Item 1 - warehouse
- Item 2 - warehouse
PO 2
One PO is created with one line for each item/ship-to combination.
PO 1
- Item 1 - warehouse (2)
- Item 2 - warehouse
- Item 2 - primary
One PO is created with a separate line for every line item on the sales order.
PO 1
- Item 1 - warehouse
- Item 1 - warehouse
- Item 2 - warehouse
- Item 2 - primary
Two POs are created. Each PO for a ship-to site on the sales order. Existing GP functionality.
PO 1
- Item 1 - warehouse (2)
- Item 2 - warehouse
PO 2
These examples assume that Print One Purchase Order per Address is unmarked on the Purchase Order Print Options window. If this option is selected, a PO is printed for each different address regardless of the other settings.
Scenario B: You have two Sales Orders with the same 4 line items.
Item 1 - Warehouse
Item 1 - Warehouse
Item 2 - Warehouse
Item 2 - Primary
Item 1 - Warehouse
Item 1 - Warehouse
Item 2 - Warehouse
Item 2 - Primary
The Combine Different Ship-To Addresses from Different Sales Order into one PO option can only be marked if Combine Different Ship-To Addresses into one PO is also marked.
Use the Sales Document Range Inquiry window to create one purchase order from multiple sales documents. (Sales >> Inquiry >> Sales Range Inquiry > Purchase button)
Combine Different Ship-To Addresses into one PO?
Combine Different Ship-To Addresses from Different Sales Orders into one PO?
Combine Similar Items Into a Single PO Line?
Drop-ship purchase orders created and line item detail
What the PO(s) look like:
Two sales orders with the same item/ship-to combination on multiple lines.
A separate PO is created for each ship-to for each sales order. No combining of item lines is done.
Previous GP functionality.
PO 1
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 2 - warehouse
PO 2
· Item 2 - Primary
PO 3
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 2 - warehouse
PO 4
· Item 2 - Primary
One PO is created combining Item/ship-to combinations on one line.
PO 1
· Item 1 - warehouse (4)
· Item 2 - warehouse (2)
· Item 2 - Primary (2)
One PO is created with individual lines.
PO 1
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 2 - Warehouse
· Item 2 - Primary
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 1 - warehouse
· Item 2 - Warehouse
· Item 2 - Primary
Two POs are created. One for each sales order with similar item/ship-to combinations combined.
PO 1
· Item 1 - warehouse (2)
· Item 2 - warehouse
· Item 2 - Primary
PO 2
· Item 1 - warehouse (2)
· Item 2 - warehouse
· Item 2 - Primary
Separate POs are created for each ship-to for each sales order. Lines are combined when possible.
Existing GP functionality.
PO 1
· Item 1 - warehouse (2)
· Item 2 - warehouse
PO 2
· Item 2 - Primary
PO 3
· Item 1 - warehouse (2)
· Item 2 - warehouse
PO 4
· Item 2 - Primary
Hope this helps!
Thank you for using Microsoft Dynamics Communities,
Angela Ebensteiner
Sr. Technical Advisor
Microsoft Dynamics GP