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Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing

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Dynamics maintains a suppression list of hard bounces, spam traps etc:
Great. But how can you access people who are on this list? I'd like to be able to do things like:
- When building segments knowing how many people it will actually go out to (currently I good chunk of data will be suppressed)
- Seeing if there's high value contacts on there where action should be taken
- Seeing if there's patterns in terms of companies who are on there where action should be taken. It's not unheard to be blocked by company IT departments even when you are sending legitimate comms
  • BJ-20051632-0 Profile Picture
    BJ-20051632-0 20 on at
    Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing
    I am also looking for a location to view all email addresses currently on the suppression list. We'd like to permanently remove some emails but it's not feasible to do this one-by-one. It would be great to be able to view address on the suppression list and be able to see when/why they were added. I've submitted this to the idea portal:
  • Bob74 Profile Picture
    Bob74 32 on at
    Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing
    So I see that a new feature to remove individuals from the suppression list is available in Preview - How Customer Insights - Journeys uses suppression lists for email deliverability - Dynamics 365 Customer Insights | Microsoft Learn
    It looks to work on a per individual contact basis, but nothing is mentioned about being able to view the full list of individual email addresses that might be blocked.
    Has anyone been able to find a way to see the full list?
  • jwcpc Profile Picture
    jwcpc 195 on at
    Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing
    Yes - agree with Bob here, the solutions offered below are not solutions, not practical solutions at least.
  • Bob74 Profile Picture
    Bob74 32 on at
    Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing
    I'd second the original posters request on how to access the global suppression list.
    The linked website, only provides information on how to access what is suppressed in a single campaign/email and not what is being applied to the system at a global level.
    Given most organisations will not have a single campaign going to everyone at the same time (we don't) - it's not really practical to export the suppression list individually from many emails and then compile a list of our own.
    And Rudy, not sure that I followed your suggestion as to how it might help access such a global list....
  • AB-31051328-0 Profile Picture
    AB-31051328-0 4 on at
    Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing
    Hello there. Please reference this post as it gives detail instructions on how to view suppression lists :
  • Suggested answer
    RudyZhang Profile Picture
    RudyZhang Microsoft Employee on at
    Accessing suppression list in Dynamics marketing
    We have analyzed the information you have provided and after searching for relevant information have come up with the following suggestions.
    First, you can use /suppress segmentation/ to add users to segments that you don't think need to perform customer journeys, either manually or via conditional queries. You can then view the blacklisted people in the /Members/ tab of the segment.
    Second, for high-value contacts in /suppression segmentation/, a more manual process is required to cross-reference the list of high-value contacts with /suppression segmentation/. If there is a match, you can then take appropriate action.
    I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best Regards,
    Rudy Zhang

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