Hello! I'm not an experienced user of Dynamics365, but I want to deploy a customized version of EventManagment Portal. I found out that we can do this using PowerShell script that comes with Angular app for EventManagment Portal.
I have the only a username and pass from Dymamics365 EventManagment Portall app. Probably I have a domain. Where I can find all these data for deployment?
Hi Partner,
Is the account you are entering administrator role?
You could run a simple console application and connect to Dynamics with organization service to verify whether there is problem to your current account.
Connecting to Dynamics 365 using the Organization Service Proxy - Carl de Souza
Alternatively, try credentials way to connect to Dynamics instead of InteractiveMode.
function Connect-ToCrm() { [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $Cred = Get-Credential return Get-CrmConnection -Credential $Cred -DeploymentRegion APAC –OnlineType Office365 –OrganizationName "crm123456" # return Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode }
It will ask us to enter username and password in console.
Then check if it throws the same error.
It worked for me well on Friday, but since Monday i have been getting this errror:
i get this error after entering Username and PAssword and pressing login on popup. COuld you help me please?
Hi Partner,
We only choose On-premises type when Dynamics 365 is installed and being hosted on our own server.(Thus it is the reason that why domain is required.)
Dynamics Marketing only has online version, so we should choose the Office 365 option instead.
Please check crm number of your organization URL and select the proper region.
Dynamics 365 CRM URL Regions - Carl de Souza
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