We have a view from Advanced Find on Users entity to filter out the records based on Userrole field. I'm using 'Contain-values' operator since User role is a multiselect optionset and can contain multiple values in it. This view is returning all records that are matching the criteria on lower orgs but it is working partially on Production. It is not pulling only some records on production.
I have compared the records that are not working/pulling across the records that are getting pulled and they look fine. Same users getting pulled in lower orgs too.
I checked the network call with fetch request that is hitting the server and it looks fine but still not pulling those records. Also verified by making the Odata call in the browser and this is also not pulling those records - [organization uri]/api/data/v9.0/contacts?$select=fullname,sample_outdooractivities&$filter=Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.ContainValues(PropertyName='sample_outdooractivities',PropertyValues=%5B'2'%5D)
Seems like it started happening recently or to the recent records. So want to understand if 'Contain-Values' operator uses indexing/full-text indexing and due to some changes at org level, it is not pulling those records.
Any help in identifying the issue would be greatly appreciated.