RE: ProdBOM form does not allow edit to BOMqtySerie field
Consider whether to change the formula setting for the applicable ingredient consumption. (Specify this consumption method on the Setup tab of the Formula line page,)
The Scalable feature is available only when all the item components in the formula are set to Variable consumption. The feature isn't available when item components are set to Fixed consumption or Step consumption. When the Scalable feature is used, and you change an ingredient in a formula, then the quantity of the other ingredients that you select is adjusted. The size of the formula is also adjusted. When you change the formula size, the quantity of all scalable ingredients is changed.
Step consumption is configured with a From series value and a Quantity value. The information from the Step consumption per series record that satisfies the quantity on the batch order is selected. Step consumption is useful when the consumption rate isn't linear with respect to the batch order size and only increases the requirement when a specific quantity threshold is met.