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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Document Number for GL entries

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Hello ,

I am very new to navision and would require help on the following two questions.

1.What is the format that a system use to generate document number for General Ledger entries?

2.How can i link all the document numbers with the related General ledger transactions ?

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  • Suggested answer
    Alexander Ermakov Profile Picture
    Alexander Ermakov 28,094 on at
    RE: Document Number for GL entries

    These two documents can be linked manually by performing the application process (technically, you select one document and tell the system to which other document(s) it should be linked). It can be done before the posting of one documents, by selecting the document to which it applies to, before the posting, or afterwards, when both documents are already posted. Refer more regarding application here:

    The other option is to setup automatic application using FIFO principles, when the first payment to employee will be applied to the closest available reimbursement claim. But, I would not recommend it as we mostly never managed to successfully use that in real life.

    Using small customizations, you can setup automatic application of the payment to the employee request, if you would generate payment orders (that further will be exported to electronic banking system) on the basis of the employee claim. This can allow system to have the link and when you post the payment settlement from the bank the system can automatically apply it to a correct document.

    As other members correctly mentioned, the numbers of the documents can be put manually or setup as a sequence of numbers with automatic increment. Follow this link to learn more about the number of series setup:

  • Suggested answer
    Indikauk Profile Picture
    Indikauk 1,759 on at
    RE: Document Number for GL entries

    Hi Deepthi

    as per your example i think you need to track Advance and Settlement? it is all depend on how you want to handle the scenario,

    example if you advance account is G/L Account then there is no transaction matching(Link document to another) by default, but if you move your advance account to Customer then Customer Ledger Entry You have option Application entry, so in this way same like normal customer you will see outstanding advances, History of advances and how they have settle. etc.



  • RE: Document Number for GL entries

    For Example :

    If a person has made a cash advance request in a company , i assume that will be stored under one document number .

    When they settle Cash advance for the one he has raised earlier , that is again stored in another document number .

    How can i link these two documents ?

  • Suggested answer
    Rabin Profile Picture
    Rabin 2,976 on at
    RE: Document Number for GL entries

    Hi Deepthi,

    I would suggest you to understand "No. Series Design Pattern".

    Documents and entities of any type (invoices, orders, customers, inventory items etc) are usually assigned an unique number, which can be later referenced whenever that particular entry needs to be consulted. When a new data entry is created, NAV implements the possibility to auto-assign a new number for this entry. For example, whenever a new sales order is created, it can be auto-numbered. This number has a specific format which is set up previously by the NAV administrator. For example, sales orders could have numbers between SO00001 and SO99999. When all the numbers in this series have been used, NAV will show an error and the administrator has to either extend the current number series, or create a new series to be used.

    You Can use Manual No. (entered Manually) or Auto generated No. (generated by the system -No. Series). The main function of all these is to keep the record unique and most of the process carried out in NAV is based on Numbers.

  • Suggested answer
    Indikauk Profile Picture
    Indikauk 1,759 on at
    RE: Document Number for GL entries

    Hi Deepthi

    Please note that for Journal you may have more than One Batch so Just make sure all the batches those two fields are empty that means your manual document Number will be posted to the General Ledger.

    can you little bit explain what you mean by How to Link all the Document Numbers which are related?

    Nav has Different Numbers series for Purchase, Sales, Masters and Journal etc.  for purchase related you can find in Purchase and Payable Setup Numbering Tab.

    Sales is under Sales & Receivable Setup under Numbering Tab. etc.



  • RE: Document Number for GL entries

    hello Indika ,

    Thanks for your reply . I have checked for Number Series and Posting number series , I see them empty.

    So can i assume they are manually entered ??

    Can you tell me how to link all the document numbers which are related ?

  • Suggested answer
    Indikauk Profile Picture
    Indikauk 1,759 on at
    RE: Document Number for GL entries

    Hi Deepthi123

    I think your Question is about General Journal Document Numbers if yes then for that you can have Manual Numbers or System Generated Numbers and to check that you can do the following.

    1. Open General Journal and Drill down the Batch Name you can see "Number Series" and  "Posting No Series"

    * if there is no value for those two fields means you general journal will take the Document Number you enter in journal when it posted to general ledger .

    * if you have value in "Number Series" field when select general journal lines system will be automatically bring the Document Number and that number will be posted to gneral ledger.

    *. if you have "Posting No. Series" field any value that means while posting the General Journal system will generate Document Number based on the Number series given and what ever the document number you enter in the as document number in the journal will be replaced after posting with system generated number.

    all these number handle in the Number Series setup and you can see it by drill down the any field if there is value in "No Series" or "Posting No. Series" field.

    same is applicable for other journals Payment, Receipt etc.



  • Suggested answer
    keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,675 on at
    RE: Document Number for GL entries

    document numbers in documents like orders, quotes, invoices are created on base of number series (text values, e.g. 'SO-00001', 'SO-00002', ...). the number series are defined in the setup. the ledger entries are created when posting and have a unique entry no. of type integer and are linked to the document (there is a document no. field in ledger entries). in the (posted) document pages (sales order, posted sales invoice, ...) and base data pages customer/vendor/item there is always a button navigate and/or a menubutton "ledger entries" with submenu containing various ledger types. clicking on "Navigate" shows a list of linked data: ledger entries, documents, ...

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