RE: One Person Can RAF in Production Orders and No One Else Can
We have found the solution to this issue. We understand the reason the configuration was set the way it was for the rest of the team and not the one user, is related to the fact that he went through the training with our vendor and got his setting saved during that training. We were all under a system default, which is common. In our testing process we RAF’d order ###. The solution is to:
1. Match the default settings for report as finished with User's configuration.
2. Ensure you are using a Location:
a. We configured “Sub-Assemb” for 130-1300
3. Ensure you are using a License Plate:
a. We configured an extra “RAF-1200 and RAF-1300” you can use, but we recommend production starts using the plates created in the system and labeling the subs and finished goods we are creating with a piece of paper taped to them.
4. Set “Automatic route consumption” to “Always”.
5. Set “Automatic BOM consumption” to “Never”.
6. The decision for “End job” is up to you, but for sure we know that “Yes” works, I believe Angel’s is set to no and you go back as an additional step to end the jobs. That is a choice you can make, depending upon workload and how you want the data to flow.