Receipt for purchase order not showing line item. The Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window does not have the line item displayed that was received, but the totals and the distributions are correct.
How does one correct this issue?
Receipt for purchase order not showing line item. The Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom window does not have the line item displayed that was received, but the totals and the distributions are correct.
How does one correct this issue?
in that case I would recommend opening a case with GP support so they can review in detail. Interruptions involving IV can be a bit tricky.
Wish checklinks would fix issues like this one.
I have found that there are records on iv30400 for the item and serial numbers in question.
Looks like there was most likely an interruption then. The reason its not showing any lines is because there are no lines to show. If you need assistance in reviewing in detail I would recommend opening a support case to see where the IV\GL sides are at in regards to the document.
Thank you for the response. Using your query, only one record is found on the POP30300. No records found on other tables.
Try running the below script. Do you see any results in the POP10310 or POP30310? You noted it was received so you should see the header for the record in the POP30300 and the lines in the POP30310. If the records are "mixed" between work and history than you most likely had an interruption and I would reach out to MS support for assistance.
declare @POPRCTNM char(17)
select @POPRCTNM = 'RCT0161772'
print 'POP10300 - Purchasing Receipt Work'
select * from POP10300 where POPRCTNM = @POPRCTNM
print 'POP10310 - Purchasing Receipt Line'
select * from POP10310 where POPRCTNM = @POPRCTNM
print 'POP30300 - Purchasing Receipt History'
select * from POP30300 where POPRCTNM = @POPRCTNM
print 'POP30310 - Purchasing Receipt Line History'
select * from POP30310 where POPRCTNM = @POPRCTNM
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