Hi guys,
I am new in Javascript and D365. My objective is : When adjustment type = Credit notes it will triggered the JS in adjustment invoice (adjustment amount >= invoice amount) alert will prompt, and prevent the adjustment invoice form from save. For adjustment type = debit notes, it will save no mater what condition of the adj amount / invoice amount.
My issue was when i choose adjustment type = debit notes , it triggered the preventDefault. How can i disable it for the debit notes. I have included my code for review. Thank you so much to this community.
//Issue: On Debit notes when adjamount > invoice it should be save. But its not. function adjustmentInvoiceApproveAmount(executionContext) { try { // Get the form context var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); var saveEvent = executionContext.getEventArgs(); var adjustmentamount = formContext.getAttribute("case_adjustmentamount").getValue(); var amountdue = formContext.getAttribute("case_amountdue").getValue(); //Check Condition before checking whether it is credit or debit if (adjustmentamount >= amountdue) { saveEvent.preventDefault(); } // Get ajustment GUID var adjustment = formContext.getAttribute("case_adjustment").getValue(); if (adjustment != null) { var adjustmentGUID = adjustment[0].id.substring(1, 37); } console.log("GUID \"case_adjustment\" = " adjustmentGUID " ; " typeof adjustmentGUID); //WebApi call under adj primary entity (adjustment) > adjtype > expand AdjustmentType > get case_name value = Credit Notes Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("case_adjustment", "?$select=_case_adjustmenttype_value&$expand=case_AdjustmentType($select=case_name)&$filter=case_adjustmentid eq " adjustmentGUID).then( function success(results) { debugger for (var i = 0; i < results.entities.length; i ) { console.log(results.entities[i]); var _case_adjustmenttype_value = results.entities[i]["_case_adjustmenttype_value"]; console.log("case_name= " _case_adjustmenttype_value); var casename = results.entities[i]["case_AdjustmentType"]["case_name"]; console.log("case_name= " casename); if (casename == "Credit notes") { if (adjustmentamount >= amountdue) { alert("Adjustment Amount cannot be more than Invoice Amount."); } else { console.log("This can be save"); parent.Xrm.Page.data.entity.save(); } } else { //only here cannot be use console.log("This is debit notes, can save"); parent.Xrm.Page.data.entity.save(); } } }, function (error) { Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(error.message); } ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }