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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Project category both item and expenses

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Our accounting department want to classify some project categories into both, item and expense types. As I know this is fixed by the category group but a project category can only be member of a one category group.

So, must I duplicate each category and assign it to a his respective category group? I think this is unmanageable. Is not there a better solution? 


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  • David Massey Profile Picture
    David Massey on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Setting up of commitment tracking in project for the appropriate business documents will address this issue as there is an incomplete Purchase order to Vendor invoice process.

    Depending on the business practices  o the company not all of tracking options need to be enabled.  Timesheet and expense reports are good examples of document not needing commitment tracking as their life cycle is short and typically don't affect cash flow projections to justify performance impact and data tracked

  • arey Profile Picture
    arey 369 on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Sorry, yes, there is a PO, but if the Invoice finally is not registered, because there is an step out of their control, they "protect" the expense estimation with this workaround...

  • arey Profile Picture
    arey 369 on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Yes, I'm realizing they are trying to manage a kind of exception when the process fails.

    I think what we need is take profit to this

    Don't you think?


  • David Massey Profile Picture
    David Massey on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    It sounds like they are attempting to determine outstanding commitments for the project.

    The question I have is how are they determining the expense category and amount to be enter which is represented by a pending vendor invoice which does not have a purchase order?

  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Hello axrookie,

    I don't think that it is necessary setting up duplicate categories for the purpose you describe. Have you tried configuring and using project item requirements and or project budgets / forecasts?

    Please also talk with your finance colleagues why some invoices get registered but others not. Sounds as if there is a problem in your invoice process.

    All the best


  • arey Profile Picture
    arey 369 on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses


    They use only in the monthly close accounting procedure and just in case purchase order invoices are not registered. They use as a kind of expenses estimation.

    When invoices arrive some are not registered at time and accounting department creates a line in journal to see this expense (they use an identical category but his type is expense).


  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Hello axrookie,

    What you write sounds interesting. Can you let us know how your colleagues plan to do the comparison of the expense and the item invoiced in the first and second step?

    To me it seems something that is highly dependend on the process steps. Is this something they did in their previous System?

    Any additional information from your side on this process would be great.


  • arey Profile Picture
    arey 369 on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Both categories go to the same main account.  For analysis they want to differentiate because they correlate the expense (first step) with the item invoiced (later step when invoice is received).

    Maybe is a question of procedure? Any suggestion?


  • Suggested answer
    Fredrik Sætre Profile Picture
    Fredrik Sætre 12,644 on at
    RE: Project category both item and expenses

    Yes... You do. Is it because they want to account it differently. The categories are the best for this purpose, but you can use financial dimensions to be able to differentiate in accounting. Maybe that can be an alternative if you have a lot of categories...

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