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Changing number of decimal places in a report format after changing data number of decimal places.

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Hello all,

Following a MS documentation page for D365 I have already changed the number of decimal places for the required fields around price and quantity.

But now I'm having a heck of a time to edit the report definition from n2 to n4 for the price field in a SalesQuotation.

Here's what I've done, maybe someone can spot something I've missed?

There are report extensions pre-existing, and pre-existing Classes:


With discover report technical name on, I can see that supposedly WWISalesQuotation runs when I run an Original Preview of the Sales Quotation Journal:


When I check the Print management setup, at the Module, Account, and Transaction level they are all set to use Report format WWISalesQuotation.Report:


But here's the thing, I can't determine which of these 3 reports designs embedded in the report is being used when I do a print out.  I tried to determine this by changing the each report design to include a text box of dummy static text that would show in an open area of the form, but whenever I print, I don't see that dummy text I added??

Here's the an example of the report definition changes as described above:


I did the same for ReportCopy1 and ReportCopy2  I assume ReportCZ and ReportHU are for other languages.

But when I build and sync the db, I get the same report Original Preview with no changes, no dummy text and no n4 (4 decimal place) data format on the price.

I know price is in 4 decimal places as we've already completed and tested that work, eg:

Any ideas of what I'm missing or could check?

  • Suggested answer
    Komi Siabi Profile Picture
    Komi Siabi 12,738 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Changing number of decimal places in a report format after changing data number of decimal places.

    Glad you got this resolved. Without deploying your changes to the report server you will just feel like, are my efforts not valued ? Hahaha.

    Happened to me number of times. 

  • jt1024 Profile Picture
    jt1024 185 on at
    RE: Changing number of decimal places in a report format after changing data number of decimal places.

    Never mind.....  turns out it all came down to this:

    I missed that in the MS Learn content.. when one of the "tutorials" didn't actually have a lab tutorial to learn on.. but that's another store mr hammy hamster..

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