Hello everyone
I have written a Typescript script for a custom command button in the ribbon of a Model-driven app. The button is for the main form of a custom entity named Project.
In this typescript script, I want to access some string data in a resource file.
Resource file looks like:
The file is called eri_strings/eri_scripts.1033.resx
The resource file is added to the solution.
I call this resource file like this:
However, when I run the script, I get the following error:
The script in the button can't find the resource file.
However, that same resource file is also called in the script of the Account Main Form, using the same code, and there, the file is found.
Does anyone know why my file isn't found on the command button script, but it is found with the main form of the Account entity?
Any ideas would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!