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View with Business Process Stage in it

Posted on by 31
I just setup Opportunities in my Dynamics 365 instance and we are using Business Process bars on the Opportunity Types.  I would like to build a view that shows the stage at which each of the Opps are at but I can't seem to find where to get the process stage information from.  Can any one assist me with this?
As you can see above, this is my process bar and I would like to have the view show that this one is at the Wrap Up Stage.  I just am not seeing how to make this happen.

  • jlarner Profile Picture
    jlarner 31 on at
    View with Business Process Stage in it
    @Leah Ju
    Thank you for the response and what you are saying is exactly what I thought I understood about Business Processes.  That is where I am stuck at.
    So, as an example, I have a Process Rule called "Workshop (LDESS) Opportunity Process" which is the bar used from the screenshot I put in my original post.  I would assume, if this is a related table to the Opportunity table, when I go to my view and choose Edit Columns and then go to related, I would have a related table with a name similar to that.  
    Now, if I look at my table structure, I do see a table with that name above.  Does that mean that when this was setup, the relationship was never setup to match?  As a side note, this was setup by a vendor we hired and not by internal staff so I am learning this stuff as I go along and fix things they broke.  
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    View with Business Process Stage in it
    Hi  jlarner,
    When you create one Business process flow on the opportunity table, there is another table will be created, and it is associated with opportunity table.
    A business process flow definition is represented as a custom table('Lead to opportunity sales process' is my example, you will need to determine this based on your actual process name).
    It contains stage and related opportunity properties...
    So you can get stage on this custom process table, and create view based on this custom table.

    I hope you can mark this as verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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