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Backup and restore customer insights

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Hi All,

One of our partner company has developed Customer Insights for us.

Everything is signed off.

I need to maintain from now on.

I am just worried if I do something wrong when fixing any issues, can we restore to previous versions?

Can we take backup of CI? What will be the format of the file? Where it will be stored?

Thanks in advance

  • Suggested answer
    Bill Ryan Profile Picture
    Bill Ryan 8 on at
    RE: Backup and restore customer insights

    I think the API with the methods on InstanceManagement will give you what you need, but there's no way I've come across to just back things up to a previous state b/c there is a chain of dependencies.  There's the ability to Reset the environment which is kind of an extreme case, but that give you back the environment, it has different levels though, you can back out everything, the data or just the configurations.  What I think is best is, if you export your configurations on a regular basis and always before you make new changes, if things went bad you can reset and import those, but all in all, that's probably overkill. Normally if you break something (which happens), you can just remove the item (segment, measure etc. and rebuild that item).  There are going to be times where you might get errors in CI that are either issues with data, or backend problems and it's very important to understand what happened before 'fixing' them.  What I mean is, let's say I make a few changes to segments today.  But at same time, a few new records are created with NewLine characters that I'm unaware of. At M3 tomorrow it fails.  I may assume that it's b/c of my segments and measures when it's the data.  Right now, to the best of my knowledge, there's no simple rollback, but you can do the reset while leaving the data sources and Import the configuration again and be where you were at the point you had exported those.  I don't think I've ever come across a case where I've had to do that in Prod, in Sandbox yes and in trials yes.  And if that doesn't work, I'm pretty sure Microsoft can help assist.  Probably easiest thing until the tooling is more developed is just try it in sandbox, verify and recreate in production or use the export before you make a change, verify and import those back in if it fails.  

  • rajkm Profile Picture
    rajkm 65 on at
    RE: Backup and restore customer insights

    Hi Bill

    Thanks for the reply. I am talking about configuration like all the measures, unification, segments, activities and schedules.

    How can I back up this and restore from backup when something goes wrong


  • Bill Ryan Profile Picture
    Bill Ryan 8 on at
    RE: Backup and restore customer insights

    Just to be clear, you're speaking about backing up configurations or changes to CI, not the data itself right?  Data itself is stored in MS's managed lake by default unless you opt to use your own lake.  

    You can use Git for source control if you're using ADF to move data to ADL for instance and mounting to a CDM folder.  If you're using Power Query, I think it's generally best to make your changes to the Sandbox environment first to make sure they'll work and move them from there.  i can't find the link right now, but there's an option to promote changes to prod instance from sandbox.  I don't believe there's anything that lets you backup changes and restore over though, but Aditya and John are pretty quick to answer questions here, they may have a little better guidance.

    Also, I'm not sure if you're familiar with it, but if you go to, you can find several methods through the swagger page, EntityMetadata for instance.  That can give you the details of changes beforehand and you can compare after changes to check for differences (which can be source controlled).  Under the InstanceManagement, you can run the manage/import and manage/export commands to get the changes beforehand, and if you break anything, import it back in.

    Hope this helps.  Bill

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