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Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search

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Hi all,

On our customer's web we have embedded a Marketing Form with a Lookup-field with US State abbreviations. You enter two characters i.e. CA ande CA will load and you chose that one. All have been working well. Until recently. Now, It only reacts after 3 characters. The Lookup within Dynamics works well with only typing one or two characters/letters, it is only the embedded form on the web that will only react after at least 3 characters.

We have tested to embed the Form on a a simple html page with only form embedded and also within the CMS, but neither reacts after only two characters works.

Does any of you have a suggestion or know-how of how to solve this?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards
Magnus Jerkebo

  • Magnus Jerkebo Profile Picture
    Magnus Jerkebo 25 on at
    RE: Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search

    Hi Mauro,

    Thank you for your input. The field does not have Relevance Search activated. We will activate it to see if that will make a difference (even though your suggestion is the reversed).

    I'll let you know what the result is.

    Best regards


  • Suggested answer
    mauro mar Profile Picture
    mauro mar on at
    RE: Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search

    Hej Magnus,

    if I understand well the problem, it might be cause of an underlying technology we currently use for this capability, Relevance Search.

    The good news is that in our May monthly release we will change this behavior, not requiring Relevance Search anymore, and this will change the UI behavior as well, making it behave more like a normal lookup (populating even without typing).

    Hope this helps,

  • Magnus Jerkebo Profile Picture
    Magnus Jerkebo 25 on at
    RE: Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search

    Hi Nya!

    Thank you very much for your answers.

    When I want to Go live with the Marketing Page the app tells me to install Portal. Our customer does not have Portal installed and does not wish to install Portal so I am unfortunately not able to test your suggested approach.

    Do you know of any other way around this?

    Best regards


  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search

    Hi Magnus,

    Even if no Portal has been set up for Marketing, Going Live the Marketing Page will generate a URL that will open the page directly.


    Please try opening it in this way, will it have the same problem?

    It helps me a lot to pinpoint where the problem is.


    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best Regards,


  • Magnus Jerkebo Profile Picture
    Magnus Jerkebo 25 on at
    RE: Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search

    Hi Nya,

    thank you.

    .js in embed script,

    The form is only for embed on web. We are not able to test on Marketing Page since the Customer does not have Portal.

    Best regards


  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Embedded Form has Lookup-field with only 2 characters that on web requires 3 characters to search


    I cannot reproduce your issue.

    Please tell me the version of your form-loader.js in the form page. I would like to compare to see if it is related to this.

    Alternatively, would the same problem occur if the Marketing Form was embedded in a Marketing Page or Portal?


    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best Regards,


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