We have 2x Hololens 2 headsets + Dynamics 365 Guides licenses, specifically 3 Guides User Licenses and 1 Guides Device license. The idea was to assign the 3 User licenses to the individuals who would be AUTHORING guides on the Engineering headset, and then give the Device License to the Shop Floor headset where we would we have a multitude of individuals using this headset for training. We have a generic device account they can use to log into the shop floor headset and would be able to Operate the various guides we have created for training purposes.
When I log into the headset on the shop floor using our generic account w/ the device license and open the Guides app, there is still the "Author" capability. I thought device license would only support Operate mode and not Author mode, and this is why we had to purchase the User licenses was for the ability to Author guides.
The issue right now is because the Device License/Shop floor headset has both Author and Operate capability, the trainee could technically switch to Author mode and change all our released guides. We want them locked down to only Operate mode so they do no have access to changing the released guides we have.
Why would a device license have the ability to Author? Were we incorrectly trained that only User Licenses would have Author capability?
Or Is this something not setup correctly by our power platform admin related to the Device License/Generic Device account.
Our team is only on the User side, there is a different department that manages our tenant/license assignment, Guides solution updates, etc.. within the power platform.
We are wanting to roll out an AR Training program using Dynamics 365 Guides but one of our problems is currently the trainees/shop floor associates have the ability to AUTHOR guides the Engineers are creating. This is not the type of security/ access we want for our Shop Floor headset which should be using our Device License.
THanks for the help!