RE: automate data entries
Hi DiePic,
I've a column that is a "search field" for "name" in the User table.
So User and the new personalized table is 1:N relationship, one lookup column related to user table in the new table, right?

You want to show user's email in the new table, many ways can help you display parent(User) information on a child table(new table).
1.Not creating one new field in child table, using quick view form.
2.Creating one new field in child table, How to populate the field with value from parent table automatically?
(1) As Andrew suggested, use calculated field.
(2) Map Parent Fields to the Child:

However, Data Mapping will populate the mapped fields if the child record is created from the parent form, and the big consideration here is that if the value of the field changes on the parent field after the child field was populated, the value will not update on the child (i.e. the value on the child is static).

(4)Js code: