RE: GlobalUpdate script for service model: RetailServer on machine: <server>
If you are still facing the issue while applying the latest version:
The following steps will indicate how to remove the Retail Channel Database components from the AOS database. By following these steps, you acknowledge that you are not using the Retail Channels (Point of Sale or Retail Cloud or Store Scale Units) OR you are using Cloud Scale Units (when using Cloud Scale Units, the Channel Database collocated with the AOS DB [Default Database] is not used anymore) OR you are applying this in your Develop/Demo environment and is able to redeploy your extensions (in this case, please see call out in the end of instructions). After you complete these steps, you will need to retry/resume/start an application deployable package, which will recreate the Retail Channel database components.
Connect to the intended environment.
Find the latest deployable package applied to the environment. It will be under folder <ServiceVolue>:\DeployablePackages\<PackageGUID>
Under the deployable package folder, find the following SQL script <ServiceVolue>:\DeployablePackages\<PackageGUID>\RetailServer\Scripts\DropAllRetialChannelDbObjects.sql
This script, when run against the AOS database (AxDB), will remove all objects related to the Retail Channel Database. Only proceed if you are not using the Retail Channel functionality.
Connect to the AOS database and run the script mentioned on Step 4. This operation will take several minutes.
Resume the package deployment or start the package deployment to have the Retail Channel components recreated correctly.
Note: if you ran these steps on a DEV/DEMO environment and you are using Retail Channel Database; you will need to reapply your extensions (if any) to the Channel Database and then perform a CDX Full Data Sync on the "Default" channel database to restore the data to the database. Any transactions not synchronized to the HQ through P-Jobs would be lost. Reactivating the POS devices is required after these steps.
Note: If you need assistance raise a support request with Microsoft.