Hi All,
I have created Marketing Emails in D365 for Marketing Application with the Legal Designation as "Transactional". I need to send that email to my contacts. Please help me how i can trigger the Emails in Customer Jounrey or in any other way.
Thanks in Advnace !
Ahhha now that I can help with.
You need to set up your transactional email messages - use the template 'custonaci' as a base
Go to settings -> Default Marketing Settings -> Open your default marketing settings record
Go to the 'Double-opt in' tab -> Set 'Enable double opt-In' to Yes -> idenitfy your transactional email for subscription confirmation & consent confirmation in the 'Confirmation request messages' section -> identify your content settings -> identify a thankyou page (optional)
Guide here in Microsoft docs for more info -> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/marketing/double-opt-in
Hi Amey ,
Thanks for the reply, actually you rightly got my question. I am presently working for Double Opt in and dont know how to actually proceed with them . Could you please help how can we trigger the emails for double opt in. I actually did not find the complete info in docs
Wow it looks like its not actually possible! Someone raised a similar questions this time last year and seem nothing has changed since as far as I can tell... community.dynamics.com/.../send-transactional-email
I think currently the only use for transnational emails is for double opt in/out
It might become possible soon when they bring in 'Quick Send' perhaps? Thats coming in December
Following this one to see if its possible, what a flop!
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