Is there a way to round quantity up to next full pallet on warehouse pick and warehouse movement?
I have 50 pcs left in a certain bin. A pallet size is 300 pcs and I have set min.qty 100pcs and max.qty. 300pcs for bin content. I can now run bin replenishment and get a suggestion to move 250 pcs to this bin. But what I want is to always replenish the bin with a full pallet, but I can't let the bin run out before replenishment. Is there a way to get a suggestion for a warehouse movement of 300pcs?
Same goes with warehouse pick to production. If I need for example 100 pcs for a production order and the pallet size is 300pcs. When I create a warehouse pick for the production order, is there a way have a suggestion to pick a full pallet? After production I would return the left to warehouse.