We are a Microsoft Certified Partner (ISV/Application Development), which includes internal-use licenses for Dynamics NAV. We were assigned a license back in 2007, and we have been using the Dynamics 2009 Classic client. We were a long-time Navision user before Microsoft bought them, and we were actually a Navision partner/reseller at one point. To our GREAT surprise, the license we were given back in 2007 had an expiration date. Now, here we are 10 years later and given 14 days notice (half of it gone now) that our license is going to expire.
I have been talking with the MPN support, which directed me to the MBS Agreements team, but they can't/won't help . The best they can do is give me a license for the latest version of Dynamics NAV 2017. However, our database is still in the native/classic format. I have been researching the process to migrate to SQL Server, but the license we were given back in 2007 does not include access to the Object Designer. The CRONUS demo license has limitations as well that prevent the migration utility from running. Apparently, there was an MSDN license, but it is no longer available for download on MSDN, and I'm not sure it would support the migration utility either. Not to mention, I will need to go through at least one intermediate version (NAV 2013) before I can get to NAV 2017.
So, we're stuck in NAV license hell. Anyone have ideas for getting out? Ideally, we would just update our current license and continue using NAV 2009, but I'm not sure that's an option. If we do manage to get upgraded, is our existing stuff going to "just work" with the new version? Talking to our accountant/bookkeeper, we have customizations related to generating payment coupons. There also may have been adjustments made to printed checks, statements, and invoices, but we're not sure about that. Any help on the path forward would be appreciated.
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