I am trying to write an app that imports payables entries into GP using eConnect. I keep getting the following error:
Sql procedure error codes returned:
Error Number = 761 Stored Procedure= taPMTransactionInsert Error Description = Invalid Currency, a Functional currency must be set up
Node Identifier Parameters: taPMTransactionInsert
BACHNUMB = 03052020-01P
VCHNUMWK = 00000000000070587
DOCNUMBR = 109931014
DOCDATE = 2/18/2020
Related Error Code Parameters for Node : taPMTransactionInsert
I've tried not sending the currency ID, passing Z-US$, passing blank, and padding the curency with spaces but get the same error.
He said the problem is probably something to do with the zeros for the functional indices. This is a production GP 2018 database and has been upgraded several times for over 20 years. Is there any way to fix this?