Hi Experts.
I get error while deleting the file using system.io delete during batch job. however get no error & fiile get successfuly deleted when running same code as non btach.
Please suggest fix for following
1. How do i get to delete the file in batch & non batch mode
2. How do i get to move the file in batch & non batch mode.
3. Currently it does not capture the details of why the batch job failed, what can i do to improvise my catch block so that it capture the details of generic failures i.e. exception from info cllass's add exception .
Here is the complete code. Thanks in advance.
public void run() { str fileNameString,fileNamePath; MyCustom msg; System.IO.DirectoryInfo directory,processedDirectory; System.IO.FileInfo[] files; System.IO.FileInfo file; //Set permissionSet; InteropPermission permission; counter filesCount; FilePath processedFilePath,processedFileCompletePath; Filename filename,filepath,fileType; Filename tmpFilePath; Filename tmpFileNameShort; Filename tmpFileExt; counter loop; str fileNameOnly,fileNameTemp; filetype type; boolean skipZeroTrans; boolean wrongFileFormat = false; #FILE try { permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop); permission.assert(); select myCustomTable; skipZeroTrans = myCustomTable.skipZeroTransVal; directory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(@myCustomTable.FilePath); filepath = @myCustomTable.myCustomTablelFilePath; processedDirectory = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(@myCustomTable.ProcessedFilePath); processedFilePath = @myCustomTable.ProcessedFilePath; files = directory.GetFiles("*.csv*"); filesCount = files.get_Length(); for (loop = 0; loop < filesCount; loop ) { file = files.GetValue(loop); fileNameTemp = file.get_FullName(); filename = fileNameTemp; info(strFmt("filename: %1",filename)); if (strLen(fileNameTemp) > 0) { [tmpFilePath, tmpFileNameShort, tmpFileExt] = fileNameSplit(fileNameTemp); fileNameString= tmpFileNameShort tmpFileExt; info(strFmt('Import filename=%1', fileNameTemp)); if(tmpFilePath && tmpFileNameShort && tmpFileExt == #csv) { msg = this.processFile(fileNameTemp,skipZeroTrans); } else { if (strLen(tmpFilePath) == 0) { error("Filepath not specified"); } wrongFileFormat = true; Error (strFmt("%1 unsupported fileType", tmpFileExt)); } if ( strScan(msg,"Error",0,strLen(msg))) { throw error("Error encountered while processing file"); } this.myWriteMessage(tmpFilePath,tmpFileNameShort,msg); info(msg); System.IO.File::Delete(filename); //TODO 1 RUNS FINE IN NON BATCH MODE BUT ERRORS IN BATCH MODE ONCE FIXED USE either DELETE or MOVE // CHECK FILE MOVE CODE /* // processedFilePath = processedFilePath "\n\\" tmpFileNameShort; //permissionSet = new Set(Types::Class); //permissionSet.add(new FileIOPermission(filename, #io_write)); //permissionSet.add(new FileIOPermission(processedFilePath, #io_write)); //permissionSet.add(new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ClrInterop)); //CodeAccessPermission::assertMultiple(permissionSet); // CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); //processedFileCompletePath = processedFilePath "\n\\" tmpFileNameShort tmpFileExt; //System.IO.File::Move(filename,processedFileCompletePath); //System.IO.File::Move(fileName, newFileName); */ //TODO 2 ERRORS IN BOTH BATCH & NON BATCH MODE } }// for ends } // Try ends catch { if (wrongFileFormat == true) { this.myWriteMessage(tmpFilePath,tmpFileNameShort,msg); throw Error (strFmt("%1 Unsupported file type", fileType)); } else if (Exception::Error && Exception::CLRError) { this.myWriteMessage(tmpFilePath,tmpFileNameShort,msg); throw Error (msg "Exception" ); //TODO 3 Explore how can you replace "Exception" with exception from info add exception so as to capture the details of geneic failures. } else if (Exception::DuplicateKeyException && Exception::DuplicateKeyExceptionNotRecovered) { this.myWriteMessage(tmpFilePath,tmpFileNameShort,msg); throw error(strFmt("Error encountered while processng the file. \n Read log at %1 path for details",tmpFilePath)); } } }//Run method ends