Dear All,
I have an issue whereby assets were uploaded in my Client's GP but unfortunately they missed accountgroupid field. This field is important since each asset needs to be attached to an accounting group depending on the branch it's located to i.e. account groups are named Furniture-Branch A,Furniture-Branch B,Computers-Branch E, Motor vehicles Branch K etc so there are many account groups guided by number of Asset classes times the number of branches.
My client ran the depreciation and when building the GL batch on GL posting window, he got the messages on account not found. I wanted to to do an update query i.e. I update FA00100 from a custom table where my client had populated AssetIDs and Account Groups but I didn't find Account Group Id field in table FA00100. I don't know whether this is the best and quality solution besides re-importing them again. Can Econnect help in updating this field (without distorting the rest of assets information) or re-uploading is the best option?.
Kindly assist.