Hello Dynamics Community!
Allow me seek once again for your help regarding the Cost Allocation form in a Production Order.
Was it a standard that once a manual Reported as Finished Journal in a particular Production Order was created even if not still posted will already create a line on the cost allocation form? And if once posted, the update done on the RAF line will not reflect on the cost allocation form (i.e. the cost allocation form was not updated).
This is the behavior we observed for numbers of RAF journals we created on different Production Order.
On the below screenshot, the second and fourth line for co-product has no serial number even if before we post the RAF we update what was initially created but still upon posting the Cost allocation form did not update.
Steps taken:
1. Created a manual RAF with 1 line no serial number
2. Close without posting
3. Open the created RAF then update to include serial number and post.