I am a business analyst, but not a financial expert. My questions pertaining to financial solutions might be a bit stupid. Please excuse that.
We are a small company that manage bank accounts and investment accounts on behalf of our clients. I am looking for the best way to manage these accounts. Our clients do not want to see lots of statements from lots of different institutions; our reporting needs are quite unique, I think.
I need a cashbook type of account for each bank- or investment account.
How many cashbooks can I open in Microsoft Finance?
Should I actually use another type of GL account instead of a cashbook? If yes, what?
Hi Hilda,
When you check the next page, Business Central would be available in South Africa. Country/region availability and supported languages - Business Central | Microsoft Learn
I had a visit to South Africa in 1999 when Navision Software just opened a country office. I also visited South Africa for an event in 2019 where I met some partners and customers using Business Central.
Hi André
Thanks for your reply. The minimum of 20 licenses just cancelled this idea.
Unfortunately, Business Central seems to be unavailable in South Africa, so it's back to square one.
Hi HIlda,
You provided only a small summary. I'm not able to understand the exact reporting needs. You mentioned that this is quite unique. What exact detailed reporting are you looking for?
In the application, you can setup an unlimited number of bank accounts. You can then choose to have a ledger account per bank or centralize is on one or a few ledger accounts.
How many users will be using the application? There is a minimum seat requirement of 20 users. If you would need only a few users, the application might be too expensive for you.
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